Educated RNs are in Demand: RN to BSN Overview – Michigan

There are roles for nurses of all educational levels, but highly educated ones are more in demand. That is because nurses at the BSN level and higher have education in areas like health assessment, advanced pathophysiology, health promotion, and community health. Their course of study typically also includes leadership, statistics, and beginning research skills. These courses are not required to pass the NCLEX exam. How then do they make a person a better nurse? The healthcare system is changing, and needs to evolve far more if it is to meet the needs of a population that is aging and chronically ill. According to the Institute of Medicine (IOM), the focus needs to shift away from acute care and toward health management. Nurses need to be collaborators and coordinators as well as care givers. The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) further notes that facilities that employ greater percentages of baccalaureate nurses have fewer medication errors and failures to rescue.

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As a BSN completion student, you may have the opportunity to select some nursing electives like cultural diversity, aging, death and dying, or public health. There may be an opportunity to specialize in areas like case management, gerontology, or faith/ community nursing. You can also expect to take some foundations courses outside of the nursing major. These may be more advanced than those that were required for your associate’s degree. At Davenport University, for example, they include professional writing and biostatistics. At Grand Valley State University, an advanced biology course in human genetics is included in the program.

Your clinical requirements will generally be far lower in an RN to BSN program than they were in your initial RN program. Public health courses frequently do include a practicum although there are exceptions. Some schools have a capstone project in lieu of traditional clinical requirements. According to Baker College, clinical hours might include such activities as patient or staff teaching.

BSN Career Mobility in Michigan

Your career prospects as an ADN-prepared nurse vary according to economic conditions. During economic downturns, nurses choose to pick up shifts or delay retirement. With fewer openings, hospitals become more selective. You may find it more difficult to land a job with an ADN or diploma, particularly if you have little experience.

Some Michigan employers ask that registered nurses complete their BSN degrees within a specified time period after hiring. In this instance, they generally offer financial assistance to help with schooling costs. Many nurses value higher education, but haven’t yet had the opportunity to complete their baccalaureate. If you have the desire to do so, this may well work in your favor. Some nursing instructors in Michigan advise students to include an educational goal on their resume — perhaps the BSN, perhaps something higher.

There is something additional to look forward to. A number of Michigan employers do offer higher compensation to nurses who have completed their baccalaureate degrees.

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RN to BSN Program Considerations

BSN for RNs courses are designed for working nurses. Many courses are taught through online e-learning systems like Blackboard. Some schools even allow you to log on and complete coursework at your convenience. There are also more traditional options within Michigan if this is your preference.

Some colleges will give you a choice about how many classes to take a semester. There may be a minimum number of credits, though, if you want to be eligible for financial aid. This may not be an issue for you, of course, if your employer is offering tuition assistance. There are also some scholarships you may be eligible for — it does depend somewhat on which school you attend. There are many programs available within the state; it’s a matter of shopping around a bit to determine what best meets your needs.

RN to BSN Programs in Michigan

Andrews University

Baker College

Davenport University

Eastern Michigan University

Ferris Sate University

Finlandia University

Grand Valley State University

Lake Superior State University

Madonna University

Michigan State University

Northern Michigan University

Oakland University

Rochester College

Saginaw Valley State University

Siena Heights University

Spring Arbor University

University of Detroit Mercy

University of Michigan-Flint

Western Michigan University

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